I Thank You Most For Helpin’ To Raise Jaden – Will Smith Lauds Jackie Chan At 70

How time flies they say especially when you are having fun, having the best time of your life, it even quicker when you don’t seem to have achieved your dreams or put something worthy of note on ground that will mark your name on the sands of time.
Beautiful to see American super star actor, Will Smith celebrate one of the greatest actor to ever come out of Asia, Jackie Chan as he turns seventy today. Celebrating Jackie Chan brings back memories of “Karate Kid” which featured Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan, a more close and personal one to Will Smith one would say, a block buster it was then.. loved by all, the comic actor was and still is an enigma when it comes to cinema.
In the words of Will Smith; “Happy 70th (wow) to my guy @jackiechan!! In addition to making some of my favorite movies of all time, creating some of the craziest moments that have ever been captured on film – …” See full details below.