Xtravaganza Special
Afro Reggae Gospel Crusader Buchi Lays Emphasis On End Time Through 11:59pm

Enyioma Buchi Atuonwu popularly known as Buchi is a gospel minister with over 20 years experience in the gospel music industry and he has continued to wax strong in the pursuit of evangelizing the world for the master, Jesus Christ.
The new album titled ’11:59pm’ has a strong message of the times we are in the world as the last days. And the messages contained in this album are a typical of Buchi if you know him and the style through he passes his message, reggae.
So much to talk about this great gospel reggae icon but at the moment we are focused on 11:59pm.. Follow him @Buchibwai to get more.
Listen to the full album via this link.. https://buchi.fanlink.to/1159pm